Avoid conflict? Not if you want to be creative.

Creativity good. Conflict bad. Right? Not so, says Jagoda Perich-Anderson, in her post for Caotica, “Conflict and Creativity are Kissing Cousins.” While we welcome creativity as a means to resolve the uncomfortable state of conflict, she points out that conflict spurs creativity. Conflict requires creativity to break the logjam. In a previous post, I talked… Continue reading Avoid conflict? Not if you want to be creative.

The best person for the team may not be the best person for the team

The project managers were always fighting to get the best people in the company on their teams. Yet, often this resulted in dysfunctional teams. Why? Many of these power teams consisted of all bosses and no workers. That’s an extreme example, but it points up the importance of bringing a diversity of experience and thinking… Continue reading The best person for the team may not be the best person for the team